Benefits of Septic Tank Pumping


septic services on a regular basis extends the lifespan of your septic system, preventing costly repairs and replacement. It also prevents sewage from overflowing into the surrounding environment and protecting local water sources from contamination.

A well-functioning septic tank removes solids from household wastewater before the effluent flows into the soil absorption field for final treatment by the microbes in the ground. However, if the septic tank is not emptied regularly, solids will accumulate at the bottom of the tank and enter the drain field, clogging and damaging pipes.

Common Myths About Septic Tank Maintenance

The septic tank is a key component in an on-site wastewater system, but it is not the only one. The absorption field is designed to filter and treat the effluent as it flows into the soil, converting waste into natural products. The septic tank only removes the large solids from household wastewater before it enters the drain field. To minimize the load on the septic tank, reduce toilet flushes and drain openings, plant grass and other shallow-rooted plants over the absorption field, and avoid using garbage grinders.

Pumping the septic tank periodically helps to eliminate bad odors around fixtures and prevents sewage from overflowing into and polluting the environment. It also protects your home’s value, as prospective buyers will be less concerned about the condition of the sewer system if it has been maintained regularly. Moreover, septic tank pumping helps to protect the public health by keeping the area free of unhealthy bacteria and parasites.

A1 Septic Service
7300 Imeson Rd Jacksonville, FL 32219

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